【同义词辨析】 2019-02-26 粗糙coarse-gross
coarse: implies roughness, rudeness, crudeness, or insensitiveness of spirit, behavior, or language: found the ~ humor of her coworkers offensive.
vulgar: often implies boorishness or ill-breeding: a loud, ~ laugh. (boorish粗糙:举止粗糙没文化不敏感不讨人喜欢,如your boorish behavior at the wedding reception你在婚礼接待会上的粗糙表现)
gross: stresses crude animal inclinations and lack of refinement: ~ eating habits make others lose their appetites.
obscene: stresses impropriety, indecency, or nasty obnoxiousness: ~ language that violated the broadcasters’ code. nasty脏的dirty
ribald: applies to what is amusingly or picturesquely vulgar or indecent or crudely earthy: entertained the campers with ~ songs. (earthy泥土的不文雅粗俗的,如an earthy sense of humour粗俗的幽默感)
coarse粗糙: 指言语行为精神等粗糙粗鲁原始迟钝,vulgar粗俗: 常表示行为粗糙教养差,gross粗鲁不雅臃肿;总的毛的: 强调动物的原始本性,不精致优雅,obscene下流: 强调举止不当下流肮脏可憎,ribald猥亵诙谐的: 既粗俗下流,又生动逗人
记忆方法: 1)首字母排列成VCROG,Very Contemptible ROGue让人轻视的无赖<==粗俗 rogue无赖流氓,如rogue state流氓国家
2)粗俗的意思是有违品味道德mean offensive to good taste or moral principles.